Le boléro au fil de l'Eau
Enter the enchanting world of a show combining fire and water.
In the evening, in a magical vision, in a flight of embers, the intriguing creature exhibits itself on a boat sailing like a floating island on the surface of a mirror multiplying the play of fire.
With her charisma, her magnetism and her unrivaled technique, Lara Castiglioni, an incredible and disturbing artist, will make the embers dance in a whirlwind of incandescent flashes and an eruption of flames.
The synchronicity of dance, fire and music makes a powerful impression.
Lara masterfully interprets one of the most fascinating works in the classical music repertoire, which remains, even today, one of the most popular in the world: Ravel's Boléro.
A striking osmosis that will fascinate the public

La musique d’Au Fil de l’Eau trouvera son inspiration dans la rencontre des éléments “matières” du spectacle, l’environnement aquatique bien sûr et la caresse de ses flots, la tempérance terrienne de la rive, la folie et les humeurs du feu, le secret des caprices des vents. Ici réunis et accompagnés par des sonorités organiques sous la forme de compositions proches des pulsions de la nature, telle une respiration musicale multiple.
En direct, sur la trame de ces sonorités hybrides, ce sont la poésie et le lyrisme du chant qui communiqueront de manière sensible la passion de ce métissage. Une musique qui caresse et qui enveloppe, sombre et lumineuse destinée à nourrir les élans et la flamme de Lara…
Lara Castiglioni,
is a circus performer, dancer, fire artist.
She is an artist who has become essential. After developing work with many professional companies for about ten years, focused on the notion of performance and aesthetics, Lara Castiglioni feels the need to go beyond the modes of expression she has encountered.
A multidisciplinary artist, bearer and actress of her projects, she creates her artistic identity and founded her own company "Entre Terre et Ciel" in 2006. Her fire choreographies are thought of like the hand that directs a paintbrush. Through poetry and dance, she offers a poetic journey of light. She writes and performs her own shows.


Lara Leemans
+32 487 27 64 64
Production :
Pierre D' haenens
+32 475 65 24 23
Sophie Miny
+32 475 96 94 12
Tubize, Belgium